Link to github project
The Plumber App simulates a booking app: it is an application where users can signup and create a profile. Once users are registered they can book an appointment with a plumber by clicking inside a plumbers profile and choosing to book with them. This is built using an AngularJS front-end and Ruby on Rails back-end API.

1. Details on how to use the App:
The first step is to click register from the homepage and begin to register your details as seen in the image below. We will assume we are a plumber wanting to register. Note the following link:
This has been pasted into the upload image field. To grab any image path, right click and then click copy image address, we will then paste this into the upload image field.

2. Now we will be able to see our new user: Bill120 we created in the image below:

3. Once you click into Bill120, you will now be able to see Bill’s profile in the image below:

4. If you see that the calendar isn’t marked we can click the green button to book this plumber and follow the instructions and choose a time that will then populate his calendar.